I got a surprise parcel of some very deliciously smelling things. LUSH was generous enough to send me a preview of some of their limited edition Valentine's Day items so I thought I'd do a little wintery morning photo sesh with 'em.
The Kiss Lip Scrub £5.50
I don't know how I ever applied lipstick before I discovered LUSH lip scrubs. I probably just roamed around the world with flaky lips, not giving a crap. But these things are the best. I've just finished Mint Julips and started on the Santa's lip scrub from their Christmas line. You will hear this from everyone, but these things are dangerously tasty (and safe to eat!). And no I am not admitting to having dipped my finger into the pot for a post scrub snack...
Unicorn Horn £3.25
I made one of these bubble bars when I visited the LUSH factory a couple weeks ago! But don't worry. No poor bugger's gonna be subject to my blobby creation – they gave me mine to take home. I've used it already and it was so sparkly and wonderful. And yes, you're not alone in thinking *cough*phallic*cough*
Heart Throb £3.65
It's not a bubble bar, y'all; it's a bubbleroon. Sandwiched in between two hearts is what I'm going to dub sparkly shea jam (making myself hungry now. May go take a hit off that lip scrub.) This will turn your bath water red—festive!
Cupid's Love £4.25
This soap looks like it is selling in bar form on the website rather than the mould form I have. Yummy ingredients include: figs, passion fruit, rosewood, & soya yoghurt.
Prince Charming £4.75
I'm not a big fan of marshmallow scents so I passed this on to my friend Annie. But if I shop by the scents I fancy, I've never met a disappointing LUSH shower gel. They lather really well and are great for shaving. I'm currently on the dregs of Hot Toddy. Will be sad when that's gone.
Floating Flower £3.50
I'm saving this bath bomb to use on Valentine's Day. It smells of jasmine and ylang ylang (though not really sure how ylang ylang smells, tbh). LUSH's website have really lovely videos for each product on their page that demonstrate how to use them.
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I was not compensated for this post. I really love LUSH and respect the initiatives they have taken on as a company. Support the brands you love, yo!
LOVE THIS! the bubble bar is so cute!
The Unicorn Horn? Yessssss, it really is.