Cinematography in Submarine.

17 July 2013

I love this film because _________.

Star Wars.

Jean-Luc Godard.

Welsh scenery.

(500) Days of Summer.

Ingmar Bergman.

Summer Finn.

Ramona Flowers.


Wes Anderson.

Anna Karina.

Fish tanks.

Images screenshot from Netflix.
Video review here.


  1. Oh my god. Finally! Someone who can understand my obsession with this movie! I have been trying (and failing) to get my friends to understand my passionate love for this film.

    I never noticed the things you noticed in the film, however, now I am going to go back and rewatch just for these moments. I love the script of the film, and like you, the framing style of the film. Richard Ayoade is fantastic, and oh my goodness, finally!

    1. Have you read the book? If you liked the dialogue, Oliver's inner monologue is on a whole other level in the novel.

    2. I haven't yet. It's on my list. I've had friends who said they hated Oliver Tate in the book, which disappoints me since I love him in the movie. Yes, he was awful to Jordana when her mom was ill, but he had a good heart. It was just misplaced.

    3. Oh he is all extra kinds of horrible in the book. The film character is wayyyyy more tame and even forgivable. But the absurd heartlessness of book Oliver is what makes it a fascinating read.

  2. Also! That soundtrack?! Alex Turner is a godsend. I think I'm done now.

  3. YES! I love submarine <3 I was lucky enough to go to a premiere and Q&A in Swansea where they filmed it, and Craig Roberts is so lovely...and the soundrtack...just perfect.Think I might have to get the DVD out tonight :) x

    1. Aaaaaa, that sounds like an amazing experience!

  4. Love this movie! Richard Ayoade is a fantastic director and a really funny guy and Alex Turner's soundtrack is beautiful. I've not finished the book yet, but I love it so far.

    1. I really loved the book. Such a fantastic narrating voice.

  5. I liked the book, but I love the movie. I love how the colors blue and red interact whith the characters and the story, and the little details like the Wes Anderson's films, also the soundtrack.
